Custom drone application built upon request, use the contact page to send us your requirements.
That's correct, we have created a number of specialized UAV applications for government agencies as well as private firms with specific requirements for their operations. While the clientel is private some of the applications created have included functionality for crop and land studies, environmental maintenance and insurance inspection and evaluation.
WIth our familiararity with the DJI product line we are well positioned to create an application which can solve your business requirements. Send us a note and see what we can build for you!
*NEW* Visit the WIKI page
*NEW* Now supports flight log uploads directly to and
DJI Ultimate Flight is available for a number of aircraft and can be download from the following locations:
Be sure to get the correct version for your aircraft, there are separate versions for the Phantom 2 Vision/Vision+ and the Phantom 3 and above.
Phantom 3, Phantom 4, Inspire 1 and Matrix 100/600:

I have created a short 2 minute video on what settings changes you will need to make in the DJI GO app in order to enable the use of autonomous flight mode here.
Phantom 2 Vision and Phantom 2 Vision+:

Epson Moverio BT-200 (Phantom 2 Vision/Vision+ only):
Development of the Moverio version sponsored by:
Pre-Releases and Support
Community support is available using the appropriate Google Group depending on the version of aircraft and app. For the V2 app used when flying the Phantom 2 Vision/Vision+ you should use the this Phantom 2 Ultimate Flight Group. For the V3 app that supports the Phanrom 3 and above you should use the Phantom 3 and Inspire 1 Ultimate Flight Group.
Using the Google Group has a number of advantaged for both me and you. For you it gives one location to ask questions, make suggestion and report issues. It also automatically gives any members access to all pre-releases of the app but if you choose you can install only released versions of the app; it is up to you. For me, in addition to having fewer places to respond to feedback it also send information on usage and crashes. The crash information is very important as it is the primary tool in determining where the crash occurs as well as who is responsible for the fix. In cases where the crash occurs within the DJI SDK, which is where nearly all crashes seen to date have occured, it gives detailed information on the call itself which can be used to make changes and fixes to the SDK.
Please use the contact page to report any issues to make suggestions.