I want different OSC cycles day and night for 2 different pumps; 1 left side (PHL) and 1 right side (PHR).
I want the PHL & PHR to come on together and shut off together (this will calm the waters during the evening hours) between 23:45 and 10:01. Between 10:01 and 23:45 I want PHL & PHR to turn on and off independently.
The program below uses a "dummy" timer. A dummy timer is one which is configured in the AC but is not associated with a real address (e.g., don't assign it to a DC8 or other 'real' device); I traditionally use addresses out of range for the direct connect and other Neptune accessories (e.g., N01-N16, P01-P16)
LDY = left-side, day programOSC 005/002 ON/OFF Then LDY ON
If Timer LT2 = OFF Then LDY OFF
OSC 002/010 ON/OFF Then LNT ON
If Timer LT2 = ON Then LNT OFF
OSC 005/002 ON/OFF Then RDY OFF
If Timer LT2 = OFF Then RDY OFF
OSC 002/010 ON/OFF Then RNT OFF
If Timer LT2 = ON Then RNT OFF
If Time > 00:00 Then PHL OFF
If Timer LDY = ON Then PHL ON
If Timer LNT = ON Then PHL ON
If Time > 00:00 Then PHR OFF
If Timer RDY = ON Then PHR ON
If Timer RNT = ON Then PHR ON
A dummy timer for 'DAY' (you can use address P01)
// The day timer tells when to run one OSC or the other
If Time > 05:00 Then DAY ON
If Time > 22:00 Then DAY OFF
// OSC but during the day override OSC and turn ALK off
OSC 001/059 ON/OFF Then ALK OFF
If Timer Day = ON Then ALK OFF
// OSC but during the night override OSC and turn CAL off
OSC 001/059 ON/OFF Then CAL OFF
If Timer Day = OFF Then CAL OFF